28 Aug Suniva Solar Case Studies
At Suniva Solar, the goal is to deliver the best combination of power output, quality, and price found in the marketplace. Whether your home and power usage are large or small, a photovoltaic system using Suniva modules offers energy savings, predictable energy costs for years to come, an increase in the value of your home, and a reduction of your carbon footprint.
The average U.S. household consumes about 900 kWh of electricity per month. A 5kWh solar system operating under average sunlight conditions will produce about 750kWh per month, eliminating between 75-80% of your monthly utility bill. In addition to your monthly savings, depending on your location, your utility, and local, state and federal governments may offer even greater savings through rebates, grants, tax credits, and solar renewable energy credits.
Suniva designs and manufactures the highest value crystalline PV products on the market today using innovative manufacturing techniques to bring you high-powered modules made with American technology.
Solar power for your business pays for itself in more ways than one. A Suniva-powered PV system helps you manage your variable energy costs by providing you a
predictable, known-cost, source of power lasting over 25 years. PV systems also reduce monthly operating costs by eliminating more costly sources of electrical generation. In many locations, our commercial customers also recognize real savings through the application of local and federal government incentives and tax credits. Beyond the economic benefits, you will also be helping our environment by reducing your carbon footprint. Knowing that your business is eco-friendly can influence purchase decisions among environmentally concerned consumers and, create customer goodwill.
System reliability is as important as return-on-investment, especially in a commercial setting. With its excellence in research, development, and production, Suniva offers one of the highest-value PV products on the market today. Suniva’s mandate has long been to offer the best combination of power output, quality, and price found in the marketplace today, which enables your installation to be cost-effective in the short-term as well as the long-term.
As the United States’ largest US-born, US-operated manufacturer of crystalline silicon solar panels, Suniva, fully supports our government’s efforts to transition to clean, renewable energy. It is our goal to make your agency’s transition simpler and more cost-effective using our American-made technology. Government projects and our US-made products are a natural fit. With two manufacturing locations in the United States, Suniva employs a higher percentage of American workers than any other major solar module manufacturer in the world. Our modules are fully compliant with the Buy America Act (BAA) and the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA.
Being an American company is not the main reason you should consider Suniva. Consider instead that our solar modules offer value among the best in the world. Born out of research developed over 25 years at the US’s leading photovoltaic research center, the DOE-sponsored University Center of Excellence in Photovoltaics, at Georgia Tech, Suniva’s mandate has long been to offer the best combination of power output, quality, and price found in the marketplace today. The global photovoltaic industry owes much of its success to research that was originally conducted in the United States. We find it fitting that today, Suniva’s high-powered Optimus® modules represent some of the best value to be found in solar modules anywhere in the world.
When you partner with Suniva, you are in great company. Suniva modules are deployed in government applications of all sizes, for all branches of the US Military, the State Department, the Department of Veterans Affairs, the Federal Aviation Administration, and the Department of Justice. You will find our panels on schools and courthouses across the country, municipal water treatment facilities and transit terminals. And, if someday you happen to be elected President, you will even see our panels on your helicopter hangars.
As global energy needs grow, our dependence on finite fossil fuel reserves continues to shift. Solar power is 100% renewable and offers the flexibility to provide energy for this ever-growing demand. At a multi-megawatt scale, it’s especially important that the technology used is reliable, cost-effective, and provides the greatest power density possible. At Suniva, our goal is to deliver the highest value solar module in the marketplace today.
Suniva designs and manufactures the highest value crystalline PV products on the market using American technology. We use innovative manufacturing techniques to keep this technology cost-competitive to ensure your installation is cost-effective in the short-term as well as the long-term.
By offering greater power density than most competitive modules, Suniva is able to provide you with greater value as you develop your project. Consider this: Suniva’s 330W Optimus module yields up to 8-10% more power per panel than many of the competitive offerings available today. That’s 10% less land, less racking, less cabling, and less install labor. These areas all add up to significant investment savings for projects that are measured in megawatts.