03 Sep Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program
Accordingly, the State of California established the Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise (DVBE) Program in 1989 under Public Contract Code 10115 to primarily help DVBEs compete more effectively for a portion of those dollars, and to promote self-reliance for California’s disabled veterans by offering veterans the opportunity to gain experience in business, while sharing their expertise with the citizens of California and provide a goal of awarding 3% of all state contracts to certified DVBEs. The State of California contracts billions of dollars for goods and services to ensure California’s economy stays healthy, strong, and prosperous and promotes business opportunities and participation for all of its citizenry.
Small businesses, including veterans, disabled veterans, and disabled veteran business enterprises are instrumental to the good health of the State’s economy and a principal source of new jobs in California. The program also facilitates the integration of disabled veterans into California’s entrepreneurial economy because of their incomparable sacrifices made when they answered their Country’s call.
CalVet Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program (DVBE) State Advocate
(Military and Veterans Code 999.11)
CalVet’s DVBE State Roles and Responsibilities
- Participate in activities that include: attend or participate in hearings, workgroups, and meetings regarding the statewide DVBE program
- Provide expertise and advocacy for efforts to comply with state legislation, and technical assistance to internal and external stakeholders regarding the statewide DVBE program
- Assist CA state agencies and departments in implementing statewide action plans to increase DVBE participation
- Contact CalVet DVBE State Advocate for inquiries regarding DVBE program: Email (s) : advocate@calvet.ca.gov DVBE@calvet.ca.gov Phone: (916) 651-3054
Participating SB/DVBE Advocates Roles and Responsibilities
- Assist certified disabled veteran business enterprises in participating in that agency’s contracting process
- Assist contract officers in seeking disabled veteran business enterprises to participate in the agency’s contract and procurement activities by performing outreach efforts to recruit disabled veteran business enterprises to offer their services as either a prime contractor or subcontractor on any contract proposed by the awarding department that requires disabled veteran business enterprise participation, and by other feasible means
- Meet regularly with the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program Advocate and contract and procurement staffs of their departments to disseminate information about the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program. Serve as an advocate for the disabled veteran business enterprises that are utilized as the agency’s contractors or subcontractors
- Report to the Office of Small Business and Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Services regarding any violation of this article
- Coordinate and meet, on a regular basis, with the California Disabled Veteran Business Enterprise Program Advocate at the Department of Veterans Affairs in an effort to meet the statewide 3-percent goal provided for in Section 999.2.